After she had undergone a CABG (coronary artery bypass graft - Am I the only person who imagined the doctor makes Kitchener Stitches on my mom's artery?) about two month ago, we, my sister and brother and me, thought it's time to clean up and remodel her house. It was "our" house. Once a family of five was living there. Now, it's so cluttered that just my mom has to squeeze herself to fit in there. It's not just in a right condition for a grandmother who wants her children and grandchildren to gather at her place.
That means, a major throw-away and sell-away and give-away extravaganza. She allowed us to pick up stuffs first - not "whatever we want" but rather "what Mom wants us to have and some more". Thank you, mom.
Naturally, I am the one who inherit all her stash yarn. Her knitting notebook and needles are yet to find out, but when it comes up to surface, those, too, are going to be mine.
Last Sunday, I had my turn to work on THE STUFFS, dug out two large boxes of yarn and sent them to my house along with two smaller boxes of other plunders.

These boxes are big enough for my daughter to play school bus with all her dolls, but I stopped her to do that for the fear of bugs. I just threw bags after bags in a larger (the largest that I have) zip-lock bag. And weighed it.

This is almost all of it. And it weighed about 8.5kg (=18.7Lb). Not so huge? They are mostly fingering weight. Looks like it's about time to start flipping through Latvian Mittens by Lizbeth Upitis and The Celtic Collection by Alice Starmore, AND learn how to estimate gauges when you double-strand or triple-strand. .. I think I favorited one post on Ravelry about that....
First, I have to inspect each skein for bug infection, catalogue it and put it in a separate zip-lock bag. I am not sure if I should add old, very likely to be discontinued Patons yarns or Japanese yarn manufacturers who does not exist any more to Ravelry database.
About 19 Lbs. I think I don't need to buy any yarn while President Obama is in the Oval Office (And I don't think he leaves after only one term.)
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