Originally uploaded by O'Chica
Pattern;Think Pink Cupcake (Pattern #: 70602AD) from Lion Brand website
Yarn; Lion Brand Cotton Ease (maize) for "cake" and Hamanaka Rosier for "icing"
Hook; US D
Patches is a toy kitten. My English teacher Ms. Suzy gave her to my daughter, as a farewell present. She meant that an American Kitten would become a great companion for an American-born Japanese girl traveling through America to Japan. One of the moving fuss-ups worked against her (and our) will, and Patches (named because her dress has cute patches and my daughter saw a kitten named Patches in Handy Manny a few days before) was shipped in a box, via surface. I felt so bad.
When I found these yarns in my "bits and pieces" bag in my stash and made this cake, my daughter decided it was for Patches. I didn't have any Styroform or cotton fillings, so I just rolled a small towel into a ball and finished the cake.
Looks a little too big for the little kitten, but, hey, she is an American girl kitten. Can there be a "too big" cupcake for an American girl?
I miss you, Suzy. While I was unpacking, I cried when I took out your present for me (water pitcher with blue bonnet paintings). My daughter saw me crying and came to me, patting my back and said, "It's OK, Mom, you can talk her anytime on the phone."
4 years. Long enough to grow a child to appease her mom. I am almost crying again just thinking of it.