Three weeks ago, I had a strange vision. A part of my sight was mosaicked... and it didn't go whatever I do; see only with one eye (both left and right), close my eyes, cover my eyes with hands. Scary. Am I having a stroke? Or is this the first symptom of something horrible, and am I gonna lose my sight?..
After 20 minutes or so, the mosaic slowly moved toward left side of my sight and went out. I was left with mild fuzziness in my head. No headache. No blackout. OK.
The next day, I visited a local general hospital and after a brief session at info/admission counter, I was squeezed in the pretty long waiting line at (the only one at the hospital, works only once in a week) neurologist's office. She asked how it started, how it gone, how I felt during and after it, and worried about the possibility that a blood clot in my brain giving pressure on my optic nerve. She almost sent me to a larger hospital for a quick MRI in case I am in the danger of stroke or cerebral hemorrhage, and asked me once again how "the strange mosaic" looked, to fix a letter explaining my symptoms.
Me:"It didn't go even when I close my eyes, and look only with one eye, both left and right..."
Dr.:"Oh, even when you close your eyes? (RELIEF) It's just a migraine."
Me:"Migraine? But I didn't have any headache, bad or light."
Dr.:"Must've been only the premonitory symptom."
So, I got a CT-scan on that day and an MRI on the next week, cleared for any life-threatening disease.
Dr.:It's not so common you start having a migraine in your 40's. It means your blood vessels are young and flexible. Congrat's!
Me:... Is there any possibilities that I have had it all the time and didn't notice?
Dr.:Oh, yes. You might have been taking it as a part of your PMS.
Me:Hmmm. So, what can I do about it? I mean, am I going to have severe headaches from now on?
Dr.:We can't predict that. But if you do, there are good medicines, just to treat your pain or to work on your nerves. See, MIGRAINE IS LIKE YOUR BODY TYPE, RATHER THAN A DISEASE. Let's just deal with the pain, and wait for the day it ceases when your arteriosclerosis goes far enough. Ha-ha!
Me:Er, ... yes, thank you.
So, I got prescribed two three-day (expected) headache sessions worth of pain-killer (loxoprofen) to see how it works and how often I need it.
So far, I only need one dose, three times, which means my headache is not so severe. SO FAR.
Good side? I finished this when I was waiting for the appointment.

Pattern; LionBrand free pattern, on the back of the label.
Yarn;LionBrand Sock-Ease in Cotton Candy
Needles;JP #1 bamboo DPNs
And made a great chunk of this;

Pattern;Joanna's Poncho by Laura L. Green. I tweaked a bit to fit to my daughter and her school bag.
Yarn;Hamanaka Wanpaku Dennis in my stash. Color choice and arrangement was done by my daughter, our house artist. On the collar, a ball of fancy and soft yarn is knit on to stop the itchiness.
Needles; JP #6 (3.9 mm)bamboo circular needles
Note; My daughter loves it. And I made it in time for chilly mornings-but-not-so-cold-daytime autumn days. Phew. But, you know, I can't tell if one or two of my headache was caused by the intense knitting session for this poncho. Boy, I need a Shiatsu.
Thankfully it's "only" a migraine. Losing one's sight is frightening, but for a knitter, it just cannot happen! Take care of yourself!
I'm so sorry about your sudden migraine onset, but relieved it wasn't one of the other more serious possibilities! You were still able to knit - what great FO's!
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