The care package from Janet, that is. I received these goodies (and some more for my husband) about a month ago, briefly thanked her over twitter and just got caught by a swarm of meetings.
I am assigned to a board member of the parents' association at my daughter's kindergarten. Well, I think I am supposed to use the word "chosen", but that oh-no-inescapable feeling I got when I picked up the phone call from the teacher... I won't say I don't feel honored. But....
Anyway, with an exception during holidays (Golden Week, from the end of April to the first week of May, when we visited my husband's family), not a single week has passed without meeting with other board members (four of us, including me). It's a joy to work with these wonderful ladies - I'm already thinking of Christmas presents for each of them - but a huge portion of my mental power and time have to go outside my house.
And, I had to visit new Avril store at Sanjo, Kyoto, of course.

The store moved one floor above of old place and got a bigger space. My daughter and I had a wonderful time with my newly-met friends from Holland. As usual, I was overwhelmed by the variety and beauty of their yarn and bought only a couple of hair-tie kits.

It's an awful excuse, I know, but I just couldn't find time for the blog.
But again, this doesn't mean I don't have any time to enjoy the gift. Thank you, Janet - I think I'm going into a "lace phase" this spring / summer.
My plain leaf scarf got a blocking today.

I think I'm going to have less time with blog this year, but not so less time with knitting. Some of meetings shall allow me to have some extra knitting time. Hopefully.